Link documents and emails within the Notes

8 votes

When an adjuster is on the phone, I go straight to my case notes to refresh my memory. The quicker I can review the most recent history including docs and emails, the better. As such, Abacus should link documents and emails directly to the notes. Here is an example:

When Time Type Doc/Email Note Operator
4/10/20 1:30p Demand Link Symbol Sent demand letter for $25,000. Chris

A PDF or Word Symbol is placed in the column between "Type" and "Note" that links the demand letter directly to the relevant note. By clicking on the symbol, the document opens up for viewing. By having the docs and emails appear in the notes, you know if there correspondence relating to a note and can immediately access it without having to search for it.

Under consideration Suggested by: Chris Robson Upvoted: 28 Jan Comments: 0

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