Ability to Apply Write-Off to Specific Invoices

8 votes

We submit most of our invoices through online review systems (Legal-X Bottomline, CounselLink, etc.). We are often paid in stages, once when the invoice is initially released for payment and again after we appeal any deductions. In the middle of that process, we often write-off deductions that we are not appealing. Automatically applying write-offs to the oldest balance makes it difficult to track what is still owed on each particular invoice. Furthermore, when closing files and attempting to collect balances owed, this additional functionality would allow us to provide the client with a more accurate representation of what is outstanding on each individual invoice, especially if they contend an invoice has already paid a specific invoice in full. Overall, allowing invoiced based write-offs would make the billing and collection process more streamlined, accurate, and efficient.

Under consideration Suggested by: Michael Bluestein Upvoted: 22 Oct, '21 Comments: 0

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