Voiding checks

8 votes

It would be great to have an option added to the voided check feature to include uncut, unusable checks in the amount of -0-.

A couple examples of uncut, unusable checks is when a blank check is marked "void" and given as proof of an account, or when a check is not removed from the printer and something else is printed on it.

Right now, an unusable check is just missing in Abacus and the actual voided checks have to be sorted through to verify a missing check, or an unusable check has to be cut for a small amount, and then voided. This clutters the check register with bogus charges and voids, and the bogus charges and voids must also be seen again when reconciling.

Thank you for your consideration!

Under consideration Suggested by: Donelda Todorovich Upvoted: 07 May, '20 Comments: 1

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