Change search fields to search right away (no more pop up windows to search from)

21 votes

For a handful of fields (ie-matter number, vendor name, account name/number), when I tab to the field, I have to click on search in order to generate a pop up window from which I then search. I doubt anyone has only a handful of vendors, matters, GL accounts that they have memorized that the key name can be typed in the search box directly.

See image attached from the demand check writer. Let me tab to a field and start typing my search criteria. I have to switch between typing on the keyboard and using my mouse to find what I'm looking for. Let me just use the keyboard which is most efficient for me.

What I am describing is how QuickBooks works. It's what I'm used to and use for all of my other clients.

Under consideration Suggested by: Kelley Brubaker Upvoted: 22 Feb Comments: 2

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